Pest Guide: Red Imported Fire Ants

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(Solenopsis invicta)
Red imported fire ants nest in soil and build mound nests. They can infest garages.

Size Color Legs Shape Antenanae
1/8-3/8 Dark reddish brown 6 Segmented; oval True


Red imported fire ants will build their nest mounds outdoors in landscape areas or near a structural foundation. The ant will gain entry to a building through holes or cracks.


These ants will build large mound nests, and will sting humans who come across a nest.

Control / Prevention

Red imported fire ants and their telltale mound nests should be actively avoided. To prevent entry into a structure, seal all internal and external cracks and crevices.


The sting of a red imported fire ant is painful and often results in a raised welt that becomes a white pustule. Often, a person stung by a red imported fire ant receives multiple painful stings from more than one of the ants. Persons allergic to insect stings will react more severely



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