Pest Guide: Blacklegged (Deer) Ticks

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(Ixodes scapularis)
The blacklegged tick is named for its dark legs, which are a contrast to its pale body. Blacklegged ticks are sometimes called deer ticks.

Size Color Legs Shape Antenanae
1/8″ Dark brown to black body 8 Flat, Oval False


Blacklegged ticks prefer to hide in grass and shrubs.


These ticks like to feed on the blood of white-tailed deer, which is why they are sometimes called deer ticks.

Control / Prevention

When in an area where ticks are common, wear long sleeved shirts and pants, preferably light colored so ticks will be easy to detect. Tuck pants into socks. Use a tick repellent. When you return indoors, inspect clothing and skin thoroughly for ticks, including head. Wash clothes immediately.


Blacklegged (deer) ticks can spread Lyme Disease.



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